Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The Health benefits of bananas


Banana is not only tasty but also a healthy treat for children and adults. Its pulp contains many useful trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the body.

 The group of vitamins B (B1, B2, B6), vitamin C and PP are responsible for the nutrition of the body so that a person is healthily energetic and efficient. Beta-carotene, calcium, potassium, iron, fluorine, phosphorus affect the functioning of the whole organism. They lower the level of "bad" cholesterol, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the heart system.

 Banana contains a naturally occurring hormone called melatonin, which affects waking and sleeping cycles. Therefore, for a sound healthy rest, you can eat a banana a few hours before bedtime.


 Another health benefit of banana is that it removes fluid from the body and lowers blood pressure, is useful for anemia, as it contains the necessary amount of iron, potassium, and magnesium. These trace elements normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood.


 Due to the high content of potassium, bananas remove fluid from the body, help control blood pressure. May be recommended for people with atherosclerosis.


 Bananas help with frequent heartburn, have an enveloping effect, they reduce acidity in gastritis. Protect the mucous membrane from the aggressive action of gastric acid hydrochloric acid. But in inflammatory processes of the stomach, bananas can intensify painful manifestations, since they can cause flatulence.


 Due to the content of soluble fiber, the fruit helps to remove toxins from the body, promotes gentle bowel cleansing. May be useful for women with PMS. By stimulating the production of pleasure hormones, the banana improves mood. Bananas are useful for children as a first food, as they are hypoallergenic and suitable for any age


 The Healthy Effect of Bananas on the Body


Bananas are a real natural antidepressant, which, due to the contained tryptophans, allows the body to produce the hormone of happiness - serotonin. Regular consumption of bananas guarantees a great mood and energy boost.


Improve performance

 Bananas improve memory and stimulate the brain, which is why they are recommended for all brain workers, as well as schoolchildren and students, especially during exams. Also, the fruits relieve the symptoms of anxiety, which prevent a person from focusing on the tasks at hand.


Relieve stress

 B vitamins and tryptophans will help relieve nervous tension, get rid of stress and depressed mood. Magnesium also has a positive effect


 Help with gastrointestinal problems

 Bananas have an enveloping effect, therefore they are a sure remedy for heartburn. In addition, they are useful for acidic gastritis. Fiber helps flush toxins from the body and promotes normal bowel function.


Eliminate insomnia

 All the same tryptophans are not only responsible for a good mood, but also are natural sleeping pills. An evening snack with a banana will help relieve insomnia and guarantee a normal sleep.


Improves the cardiovascular system

 Potassium and magnesium has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, helps nourish and oxygenate brain cells. High potassium levels help regulate heart rate and maintain optimal blood pressure. Iron prevents anemia by increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood


Banana harmful effects

 On the cons: why are bananas harmful?

For all its advantages and balanced chemical composition, bananas are contraindicated for some people. This can be attributed to several factors.


High glycemic index

 Bananas are high in sugar and high on the glycemic index, so they quickly raise insulin levels. As we have already said, diabetics should be extremely careful with such a product.


Increase blood viscosity

 Bananas remove fluid from the body, which leads to an increase in blood viscosity and a decrease in its flow to individual parts of the body. Therefore, it is not recommended eating fruits for venous diseases, a tendency to form blood clots, as well as for ischemic heart disease.


Exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases

 Despite the fact that bananas have a fruitful effect on the work of the digestive tract, with an exacerbation of diseases, it is worth giving them up for a while. Also, berries are not recommended for irritable bowel syndrome, as they can cause bloating.


Excess weight

 If you are overweight, bananas can be consumed in small quantities. There will be no trouble from one fruit in the morning, but you should not eat too many of them, because this is a high-calorie product.


Why are bananas popular with athletes?

Intense workouts require a lot of energy, which must be quickly replenished after exercise, and in this case, the banana acts as a magic wand. Snacking on them is much more convenient than laying out trays of chicken and rice. One or two bananas are enough to close the carbohydrate window.

 In addition, along with sweat, potassium is washed out of the body, which protects the heart muscle, and its lack can lead to seizures. Amino acids help you focus on a game or competition, calm your nerves, and maintain full concentration.


The use of bananas in medicine

Banana is rich in potassium, which is why it is recommended for athletes for its ability to relieve muscle spasms during exercise. It relieves pain and cramps and cramps that occur in the body due to a lack of potassium.


 So bananas contain the perfect combination of substances that are needed not only by amateur athletes, but also by professionals. Some athletes still prefer energy bars, but you can often see tennis or hockey players eating yellow fruit right on the court or bench

Thursday, September 9, 2021


Pawpaw is biologically known as Carica papaya. This healthy fruit traces its origin from tropical areas of the world such as South America, Latin American countries, and the southern tropical area of Africa.

Pawpaw is of two species which are male and female species. The male species does not grow flowers, while the female does.

This wonderful healthy fruit has terrine. In man, terrine forms parts of the blood clotting. It also has a proteolytic enzyme that aids the digestion of food when it is eaten. It radiates pureblood. That is why it is said that pawpaw enhances man’s longevity. Apart from the fact that pawpaw can make you live longer, it also cleanses the system and gives you a new lease of health.
Capaian and adjine are also present in pawpaw. They aid male fertility and kidney problems. They aid the function of the kidney.

1        Immunity Booster
Pawpaw contains 200% of our daily need for vitamin C. Immunity system acts as a protector against various infections that can cause sickness in man.

2       It helps in losing weight

 Another health benefit of pawpaw is that it  has very low in calories, the fiber content clears your bowel movement and thereby making your weight loss

3       Stomach Ulcer

Pawpaw has vitamin E and A, Using pawpaw in extracted juice pulp and drink.

4      Its health benefit also is that its regulation of irregular menses
This is done by crushing its fresh leaves, sieve, and drink it fresh every day for two menstrual cycles.

5       Food For Diabetics
Pawpaw has a low sugar content, therefore it is healthy food for a diabetic. By eating it regularly, it can also prevent it from happening.

6       Protection of Vision
Another health benefit of pawpaw is that It helps protecting your vision because it contains Vitamin A. Eating Pawpaw regularly can prevent you from losing the ability to see even at old age.


Digestion Improvement
Pawpaw has a digestive enzyme known as papain and fiber, the health benefit of papain and fiber is that it helps indigestion.

8       Cancer Prevention
It reduces the risk of colon and prostate cancer because; it contains antioxidants, flavonoids, and phytonutrients which prevent your cells' free radical damage.    



Sunday, February 17, 2019

Eat Mangoes Frequently and see How it Benefits Your Body

Mangoes are one of those super nutrients healthy fruit that provides good round nutrition, prevent disease give good health,, and taste great. It can be eaten in all kinds of ways, including cubic, dried, or blended in juice. A wonderful mango to add a little tropical taste to your day, and he can also prepare things in the bedroom. But this is just the beginning. There are plenty of great healthy reasons to eat some mangoes every day - let's count them.

1. Low risk of cancer
One of the health reason for eating Mango is an antioxidant food, but not the same level as blueberries and berries. However, the researchers tested the effect of mango on certain types of cancer and found it did an incredible job in suppressing cancer cells. The cause may be polyphenols, which are natural substances in healthy plants. Mango appears to reduce the risk of colon, breast, lung, leukemia and prostate cancer, and do not damage healthy cells near cancer cells.
2. Cholesterol levels are healthy
Mango contains high levels of vitamin C, fiber, and pectin, which together can lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Mango also contains a lot of potassium, an important part of the balance of sodium and potassium that regulates the way our bodies use water. Mangoes also contain plenty of water. This means that regular consumption can help prevent dehydration, a factor that leads to high cholesterol.

When faced with dehydration, the body increases the production of cholesterol to keep cell membranes wet and full of color, which is necessary because the tissues are able to effectively exchange nutrients for waste. When you dry, blood volume and flow rate also decrease, which can lead to a greater build-up of cholesterol in your arteries.
3. Alkaline physical environment
We know that cancer cells prefer acidic environments so any healthy things you can do to reduce your body's pH towards alkalinity can help reduce your chances of developing this deadly disease. Mango contains tartaric acid, malic acid, and citric acid effects, all of which help maintain alkalinity. It seems unexpected, but these acids become all alkaline during digestion.

It is worth noting, however, that eating alkaline foods only controls the pH of the urine, not the blood, and thus may be more protective against bladder cancer specifically. Also, cancer cells can grow in any environment, despite their preference. This one file under the heading "cannot hurt"
4. Health digestion
Mango is full of dietary fiber. Prebiotic is an indigestible food that supports the healthy growth of beneficial bacteria. Good bacteria help to ward off disease. Prepaytec is, in essence, a probiotics diet in your system, not yours directly. Eating plenty of mangoes can keep the environment in your bowels healthy.

Mangoes also contain vitamins and minerals that help break down protein during digestion. Fiber gives you a fuller and longer lasting feel, helping to avoid unhealthy food odors. Combining control with passion and effective digestion can help you lose weight more easily.
5. Better regulation of insulin
You do not need to stick to just the fruit of a mango tree - the leaves are also healthy to you. In fact, drinking tea from boiled mango leaves is thought to help regulate insulin levels. Simply boil the 5-6 leaves in the water for a few minutes, then let them descend overnight. In the morning, remove the leaves and drink tea.

The extract improves insulin production and glucose distribution, thus stabilizing blood sugar levels in diabetics. This makes it a great beverage to drink before eating.
6. Sex Spicier Sex
The mangoes are somewhat quaint and very sweet, so they are somewhat romantic this way. But also contains a group of vitamin E, which not only supports the health of the skin but also regulate sex hormones and increase libido.

For men, vitamin E may also help increase the number of sperm and enhance the ability to swim in sperm. If you are trying to conceive or simply planning a romantic meal, do not forget the mango!
7. Protection from sunstroke
Mango has an amazing ability to cool the body and can be a godsend if you feel that a blow to the sun is coming. Because it helps to avoid sunburn, you need to maintain a fluid level in your body. Balances the potassium content of the mango and the sodium compound and regulates the fluid level.

It is also known that mango controls the levels of homocysteine in the blood, which can be harmful to blood vessels and may increase the risk of exposure to heat stroke. Mix some mango and a teaspoon of honey with cold water and drink. You will feel better in no time.
8. Enhance immunity
Mango is a nutrition force, including vitamin C, vitamin A, and at least 25 different carotenoids. This is a narrative that supports the health of your immune system. These important vitamins work together to neutralize free radicals and prevent cellular damage Which can cause various diseases.

Eating mangoes every day makes you less likely to catch every little bug around it and to overcome anything you do faster.
9. Increase concentration and memory
Mind Center and Center make a difference in how you get on your day. Mango has so-called glutamic acid, an alpha-amino acid linked to brain support. More specifically, glutamic acid works as a neurotransmitter for many brain processes.

Eating a little mango before bedtime can help you wake up with a refreshed mindset, and mangoing during the day can enhance concentration in both children and adults.
10. Low risk of anemia
Anemia is a condition in which the body suffers from a decrease in the number of red blood cells and impedes the ability of the blood to carry oxygen due to iron deficiency. It can cause fatigue, headaches, dizziness, among other symptoms. Mango contains a high percentage of iron and can be a great dietary supplement for people with anemia, especially vegetarians who do not participate in the most common source of iron and red meat. It seems that anemia disproportionately affects women, especially those who are pregnant or after menopause. Mango is a good way to get iron because iron supplements do not contain fiber and cause constipation.

As if all this was not enough to eat more mango, I know that you can also apply it topically to get clearer and healthier skin. There is also an urban myth that mango skins can cure, but we can not talk about it specifically. However, the experience of consuming a daily mango for a month will certainly make you feel healthier and more mentally sharp. Do not worry about boredom - there are many different ways to eat mangoes and about 400 types of plants that grow all over the world. Mango earns more than her title, King of Fruits

Monday, November 22, 2010


If you are asked to choose from the two alternatives, health or wealth, which one would you vote for? Let me gist you if you choose health that means you believe that health is life and where there is life there is hope. Alternatively, if you choose wealth,

one can use wealthy to buy health or what do you think?. But let’s look at what health is.
Health is the general condition of a person in all aspects. It is, therefore, a level of functional and/or metabolic efficiency of an organism.
In 1948, word health organization (who) defined health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of diseases or infirmity.
In 1986, the WHO said that health is “a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities.
Overall health is achieved through a combination of physical, mental and social well-being, which are commonly referred to as the health triangle
Factors that determine health are the physical environment, social and economic environment, and person’s individual characteristics and behavior. The style in which individual life is of great importance on his health status.
The physical environment is the most critical factor to be considered when classifying the health status of individual such factors as unpolluted air, clean water safe house and all others
Also the social and economic environment are key factor used to determine the health status of an individual; in the fact that those who are able to enjoy higher education are attached to higher income which linked to higher income; this is because people who have higher education are more likely to get a better job and therefore are less prone to stress compared with people with low education level
Achieving and maintaining health is a continuous process. Effective strategies for staying healthy and improving one’s health include the following elements 

partially personal health depends on your daily observations about your health in your everyday life. The information gleaned from observations such may be used to inculcate your personal decisions and actions (for example, " I always daze at my working place every morning, I need to change my food intake), or you observe a strange pain around your neck every morning your mind will surely reveal to you that you need to change your pillow or how you lie down on your bed. If you have not developed the habit of observing your health status every day because you better do a daily observation of one's health will prevent any aggravation of infection. 

hygiene is the practice of keeping the body and the surrounding clean to prevent infection and illness and avoiding one's from contacting with infectious agents. Hygiene practices include, bathing twice a day ie in the morning at night before bed, brushing teeth regularly and hand washing fruits before eating, washing food before it is eaten, washing and cleaning kitchen and cooking utensils before and after preparing meals, and many others. 
"Prevention is better than cure," therefore, proper sanitation helps prevent infection and illness. 
Social activity
partially personal health depends on the social structure of one's life. The maintenance of strong social relationships is linked to good health conditions, longevity, productivity, and a positive attitude. Because this is a positive social interaction as viewed by the participant increases many chemical levels in the brain which are linked to personality traits and intelligence.
Also, volunteering can lead to a healthy life. To be a volunteer, while gaining plenty of social benefits, people also take off their mind their own troubles. Volunteering could even add years of life. According to study at university, compared with people who did not volunteer, senior citizens who volunteered showed a 67% reduced risk of dying during a seven-year period.

Physical exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health or wellness. It is performed for various reasons. These include strengthening muscles and the cardiovascular system, honing athletic skills, weight loss or maintenance and for enjoyment. Frequent and regular physical exercise boosts the immune system, and helps prevent the ‘diseases of affluence’ such as heart Type2 diabetes  and obesity It also improves mental health, helps prevent depression, helps to promote or maintain positive self-esteem, and can even augment an individual's sex appeal or body image, which again is also linked with higher levels of self-esteem childhood obesity is a growing global concern and physical exercise may help decrease the effects of childhood obesity in developed countries.
Physical fitness is an ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue and still have enough energy to enjoy leisure time, pursuits and meet the above average physical stresses encountered in an emergency situation.
Physical fitness comprises two related concepts: general fitness and specific fitness general fitness is (a state of health and well-being) and specific fitness (based on the ability to perform specific aspects of sports or occupations). Physical fitness is generally achieved through exercise correct nutrition and enough rest It is an important part of life. In previous years], fitness was commonly defined as the capacity to carry out the day’s activities without undue fatigue. However, as automation increased leisure time, changes in lifestyles following the industrial revolution rendered this definition insufficient.T these days, physical fitness is considered a measure of the body’s ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities, to be healthy, to resist hypokinetic diseases and to meet emergency situations.
Examples of diseases of affluence include type2 diabetes, cerebrovascular disease, coronary heart disease obesity, certain forms of cancer, asthma, alcoholism, and depression as well as a major range of other psychiatric illnesses.
These diseases are categorized as non-communicable diseases whereas the diseases of poverty tend to be largely communicable either through infection, inadequate safety or environmental health regulations, or poor hygiene.
Diseases of affluence are predicted to become more prevalent as starvation and diseases of poverty decline, and as longevity increases.
1) A physically fit person must be able to perform a given amount of work such work could be light, moderate or exhausting with less displacement of physiological equilibrium.
2) A physically fit person must be able to establish a steady state of a high level of work.
3) He must be able to return to a resting level rapidly after an exhausting work.

Exercises are generally grouped into two types depending on the overall effect they have on the human body:
Aerobic exercises, such as cycling swimming, walking, skipping rope, running or playing tennis, focus on increasing cardiovascular endurance.
Anaerobic exercises such as functional training weight training increase short-term muscle strength
Physical fitness is one of the most important keys to a healthy body. It is also the basis of creative activity.
Physical fitness as part of total fitness consists of social, emotional, physical and mental developments.
Physical fitness consists of various components and not a single component, each component is specific, A person can be high or low in any of the components.
This can be said to be of two-fold and they are health-related and performance related physical fitness
1) Cardiovascular
2) Strength
3) Muscular endurance
4) Power
5) Co-ordination
6) Flexibility
7) Body composition
8) Agility

The Health benefits of bananas

  Banana is not only tasty but also a healthy treat for children and adults. Its pulp contains many useful trace elements that have a bene...